Skyline Professional Learning, SY24
Attending this event?
Welcome to the Skyline Professional Learning, SY24 Event Registration Page. 
Please take time to familiarize yourself with Skyline Professional Learning, SY24 opportunities.
Create a Sched account using your CPS email, log in and register for the sessions you would like to attend.
  • Please take time to read about the sessions you are interested in attending: Skyline Professional Learning, SY24 Guide
  • Please note, you will need to also register in the Learning Hub to be able to apply for ISBE Credit. LH codes can be found here. LH Registration will not be used to formally register or provide meet links.
  • Please note, Payroll will not be able to process payment for teachers who are not fully contracted at the time of the professional learning (employees must be fully onboarded to be compensated for attending the professional learning).
  • If you registered for a session that you are no longer able to attend we ask that you withdraw from the session. Please go into your Sched schedule and uncheck the session so that we are able to capture an accurate count of attendees in preparation of our sessions. This will also open up registration for other attendees to register for sessions that may be full (sessions with CAPS).

avatar for Crystal Williamson

Crystal Williamson

Chicago Public Schools
Professional Learning Specialist
Crystal Williamson has been in the field of Early Childhood Education for nearly 30 years. She earned a B.A. in Early Childhood Education and M.Ed. in both Educational Leadership and Curriculum & Instruction. Crystal has dedicated her career to children as a teacher, instructional coach and currently a Professional Learning Specialist. Crystal is passionate about using her knowledge of high quality early childhood programming to improve the lives of Chicago’s children and families.